This committee takes inventory of safety supplies on hand and works together to take a general assessment of school safety. The group meets on an as needed basis to discuss ideas and evaluate potential improvements to be brought to the attention of the executive board and general membership at meetings.

Emergency and Safety Committee Chairperson responsibilities could include any of the following:

- Advocate for your PTA to allocate funds to grant to the school for the purchase of supplies and equipment
- Participate in Emergency Prep Email Networking Group to receive valuable information and to help others performing the same job at their school
- Educate parents via PTA newsletter, Open House, or Back To School Night opportunities. They should be made aware of district/building emergency procedures/polices, such as mass student release.
- Educate the PTA Board and parents as to the needs of the building, as well as educating building staff/admin as to the support PTA can offer.

Be our Emergency Prep Committee Chair: Join our team