“This is at the head where decisions are made about your child, so don’t you want to be a part of that?”
Membership in PTSA is open to anyone (parents, teachers, relatives, friends, ...) who wants to be involved and make a difference for the education, health and welfare of children and youth. It's the single most important step you can take to support what we do for our kids, staff, and community. You are not signing up to volunteer or attend meetings. Join to let us know you like and support what we are doing!

Our future leaders, innovators, and citizens are our children, and our children are given their best chance to succeed when we all work together. Members of PTA provide a powerful and effective voice for all children. That's the Power of PTA. 


To become a PTSA member:

click on the "join now" image below or visit  https://mp.gg/lso99 


For membership sponsorship requests/donations:

 I would like to request a Subsidized Membership (completely confidential) 100% assistance or partial assistance (pay what you can)

I would like to donate to help provide PTA membership for others.


Click to become a PTSA member!