Note to parents: The Bennett After School Program expects the same standard of behavior that is expected of the students during regular classroom attendance at Bennett Elementary. Please review the code of conduct and discipline policy with your child. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.

To insure an atmosphere conducive to learning, the Bennett PTSA After School Program has established the following goal statements regarding appropriate participation:
1. The students shall have respect for self and others at all times (no offensive language, teasing, fighting, or other disruptive behavior).
2. The students shall make all efforts to participate constructively in class (timely arrival, responsiveness to activities, cooperative group behavior). PLEASE leave all toys and food items (including chewing gum) at home, unless specifically requested by the teacher.
3. The students shall respect and care for school and personal property (school building, materials and supplies, property of others).
4. The student shall respond to school safety rules (in classrooms, hallways, and during all activities).
5. The Bennett PTSA After School Program does reserve the right to refuse a student if a discipline problem persists. Families will be contacted by the after school program if the instructor and/or PTSA parent volunteer reports, or confirms the report, of a violation to the code of conduct. If the problem persists, the child will be removed from the class and the parent’s fee will not be refunded.
Attendance: Parents are responsible for reminding their children of after-school activities and for Kindergartners, for notifying their classroom teacher about an afterschool activity, and for notifying any on-site after school care provider (Bellevue School District After School Care or Bellevue Boys & Girls Club).
Pick up policy: For after-school activities, parents are expected to arrive by the end of class for pickup. The school office does not supervise students until pickup.