Operational Overview - PTSA by the Numbers
 WITH YOUR PTSA DONATIONS                                                        
We put on over 20 events per year.  
We send our students on a variety of field trips ~ (5 field trips per grade).
We provide a plethora of in class visitors/guest speakers and assemblies the memories of which last a lifetime.
We secure additional staff to provide Instructional Support in Reading, Literacy, Math and Playground Safety.
  DONATE YOUR TIME                                                                        
Total Volunteer Hours is estimated at over 10,000 hours, approximately 24h/student, per year.
We pull together and spend 1,500 hours in the planning and execution of the many events we organize every year .
Additionally 3,700 hours are volunteered by people who "Show up and Do" tasks at the events throughout the year.
We help staff and run the library with roughly 1,200 hours of volunteer time.
We respond to the call for volunteer support by providing teachers with over 3,600 hours of in-class volunteer support: material preparation, grading papers, providing individual and group support for students in reading, writing, and math, managing homework, classwork and communications sent home daily with children.
  WHERE PTSA DOLLARS GO?                                          
Our annual budget is roughly $140,000 in expenditures which equates to roughly $400/student or $2/per school day!
- Goes to paying to augment the faculty in the building to include added support for reading, literacy, technology support, and safety personnel
- Provide Curriculum enhancement: field trips, in-class field trips, assemblies
- Host Family & Community activities
- Training, advocacy, administration, insurance, etc.